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Soul Lab Fitness


Discover a diverse range of stimulating workouts designed to enhance fitness and well-being this National Sport Day.

1. Piloxing: This dynamic workout combines boxing and pilates for a comprehensive fitness experience. It merges the powerful agility of boxing with the flexibility exercises of standing pilates.

2. Zumba: Enjoyed by both newcomers and athletes, Zumba is a fun workout that targets the abdomen and lower back muscles, promoting core activation and hip movement through primal exercises like squats and lunges.

3. Tae Tek: This training seamlessly integrates martial arts and boxing punches with energetic aerobic movements, offering a dynamic and engaging workout.

4. Flexibility and Mobility: Participants in this class will use stretching bands, balls, and ankle weights to improve all-round functional fitness performance through slow base movements.

See you in Education City Stadium!

9:30am and 1:30pm: Piloxing
10:30am and 2:30pm: Zumba (Mahinaz)
11:30am: Tae Tek
12:30pm: Flexibility and mobility

Event Details

Event Timings

  • Tuesday, 13 February 2024
  • 9:30am-3pm

Contact Information