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An Evening with Wagner


Experience an evening of extraordinary music with the Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by the talented Elias Grandy, and featuring the remarkable German opera singer Lioba Braun. The concert begins with Wagner’s emotive “Prelude” and “Liebestod” from Tristan und Isolde, setting the stage for a journey of passion and longing. The concert continues with Wagner’s poignant Wesendonck Lieder, showcasing Lioba Braun’s captivating voice and emotional depth. Excerpts from Wagner’s Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg follow, and the event closes with the grand “Tannhäuser” Overture, a powerful and iconic piece by the legendary composer.

  • Event Details

    Event Timings

    • Wednesday, 29 May 2024
    • 7:30pm-9:30pm

    Contact Information